What Professional Air Duct Cleaning Equipment is Used?

When it comes to professional air duct cleaning, a combination of powerful vacuums, blowguns, air whips, and air foamers are used to get the job done. Truck-mounted vacuums are the most powerful option, but portable vacuums can also be used. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recognizes that both types of equipment can be used correctly to clean and decontaminate air duct systems. Jendco Safety offers electric and gas-powered Nikro air duct cleaning packages for residential and commercial use.

These packages provide all the necessary tools to clean air ducts according to NADCA standards. Air whips are often employed to remove light to medium dirt build-up in small and medium-sized ducts. Professional air duct cleaners need access to the duct system at multiple points, not just ventilation grilles. They use a vacuum to suck up dust and debris, including those released with brushes and compressed air tools.

Pneumatic devices such as blowguns, air captains, and air whips are used to drive agitated waste to the collection device. Chemical biocides may also be applied to non-porous surfaces of the air conditioning system. Vacuum trucks powered by diesel engines draw 15,000 CFM of vacuum-fed air from dirty air ducts. Scrubbing brushes, air collectors, and snake-shaped cameras are also used for this job.

Cleaning air ducts is a highly profitable business with low overhead costs and a net profit of 50% at 70 percent. To ensure that the entire duct system is thoroughly cleaned, it is best to hire a nearby professional who has the right tools for the job. As an expert in the field of air duct cleaning, I recommend using truck-mounted vacuums for larger jobs and portable vacuums for smaller jobs. Air whips are great for light to medium dirt build-up in small and medium-sized ducts. Pneumatic devices such as blowguns, air captains, and air whips should be used to drive agitated waste to the collection device.

Scrubbing brushes, air collectors, and snake-shaped cameras are also essential for this job.

Destiny Devenney
Destiny Devenney

Travel ninja. Subtly charming music practitioner. Professional coffee fanatic. Amateur music nerd. Total burrito nerd. Incurable twitter geek.

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