Can Dirty Air Ducts Make Your Home Dusty?

Duct cleaning has never been scientifically proven to prevent health issues, nor is there any evidence that particles from air ducts enter the living space. However, if you notice a persistent layer of dust in your home, it's time to consider air duct cleaning services. Professional cleaning can reduce hazardous airborne contaminants and enhance ventilation efficiency. Portable cleaning systems are convenient but lack the suction power needed to remove dust and debris lodged in residential ducts.

Bigger systems mounted on trailers or vans generate more suction, usually 400 to 1000 CFM. Visiting a professional air duct cleaning service every 3 to 5 years can prevent many maintenance and health problems before they arise. An experienced technician will keep your air ducts in top-notch condition to protect you, your family and your home. Having a professional responsible for air quality and duct cleaning guarantees your family's safety, reduces symptoms of seasonal, dust and pet allergies, and helps keep your home dust-free. Proper cleaning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts is not a project you do yourself, nor is it a job for a cheap person with an air compressor in a van.

If you're having trouble keeping mold away inside your home, you should call an HVAC technician to help you clean the air ducts. A good air conditioning system can cool your home quickly in summer and heat it just as quickly in winter.

Destiny Devenney
Destiny Devenney

Travel ninja. Subtly charming music practitioner. Professional coffee fanatic. Amateur music nerd. Total burrito nerd. Incurable twitter geek.

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