Can Air Duct Cleaning Cause Damage? - A Professional's Perspective

Cleaning air ducts can be a tricky business, and if done incorrectly, it can cause significant damage that can be costly to repair. The ducts are made of various materials, and you or an unqualified duct cleaner may not know how best to clean them. In addition, you could damage them if you use the wrong cleaning materials and procedures. Duct cleaning is a service offered by most HVAC companies, but it can do more harm than good.

Most Houston residents choose to clean their air ducts because they have old ducts that have been in the attic or inside walls and that have collected dust for more than ten years. Most air conditioning companies will promote duct cleaning as a solution to improve indoor air quality, but they don't mention that this service can cause significant damage to duct systems that will need to be repaired in the future. Experience the difference with Smart Air: Our Houston HVAC team puts the best interests of our customers first. We offer alternative solutions for indoor air quality without jeopardizing the integrity of your air duct systems. You may consider cleaning air ducts simply because it seems logical that air ducts get dirty over time and should be cleaned from time to time.

As long as cleaning is done properly, there is no evidence to suggest that such cleaning could be harmful. The EPA does not recommend that air ducts be cleaned routinely, but only when necessary. However, the EPA recommends that if you have an oven, stove, or chimney that burns fuel, they be inspected to make sure they are working properly and serviced before each heating season to protect them against carbon monoxide poisoning. A heating and air conditioning professional can thoroughly check the ducts to determine the type of ducts and the condition of the different hooks and safety points. Failure to do so could damage the ducts, reducing efficiency and, in addition, could cause premature system failure. For example, the rotbrush can quickly become trapped in flow dampers and break or disconnect poorly secured or protected ducts.

Damaged ducts are often the result of air duct cleaning, especially when done by an inexperienced contractor. Otherwise, you will surely breathe a material that is known to cause cancer and that, as a result of the duct cleaning procedure, is dispersed in the air. However, even though air ducts get dirty, air quality experts agree that cleaning ducts doesn't provide any measurable benefit, even if residents suffer from allergies or asthma. Whether or not you decide to clean your home's air ducts, preventing water and dirt from entering the system is the most effective way to prevent duct pollution. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cleaning air ducts has never been proven to actually prevent health problems or effectively remove dust and dirt from ducts.

However, there is little evidence to indicate that simply cleaning the duct system will increase the efficiency of the system. When service providers visit your home, ask them to show you the contamination that would justify cleaning the ducts.Or if health isn't what you're worried about, you might be intrigued by the idea of having clean air ducts throughout your home. One of the few independent studies was conducted in the 1990s by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), when it examined 33 homes in Montreal before and after cleaning the pipelines. While many of these products can legally be used inside uncoated ducts if all instructions on the label are followed, some of the instructions on the label may not be suitable for use on ducts.

The brush cleaning method involves inserting a brush into the duct and trying to collect or release the dust. You can also contact professional duct cleaning service providers and ask them about the services they provide. In addition to removing unwanted dust and allergens, cleaning air ducts puts them at risk of becoming dented, broken, or left unsealed in the system. If you think duct cleaning might be a good idea for your home but you're not sure, talk to a professional. Whether you decide to clean your home's air ducts or not, it's essential that you commit to a good preventive maintenance program to minimize duct pollution.

Cleaning your home's air ducts, when done correctly by a professional HVAC technician with experience in this area, can help improve indoor air quality without causing any damage. It's important to remember that while there are benefits associated with cleaning air ducts, there are also risks involved if done incorrectly. If you're considering having your home's air ducts cleaned by a professional HVAC technician, make sure they have experience in this area and understand how best to clean your particular type of system without causing any damage. It's also important to ask for references from previous customers who have had their air ducts cleaned by this technician. At Smart Air Houston HVAC we understand how important it is for our customers' safety and comfort that their home's air ducts, when cleaned correctly by an experienced technician with knowledge in this area, can help improve indoor air quality without causing any damage.


In conclusion, it is important for homeowners considering having their home's air ducts cleaned by a professional HVAC technician to make sure they have experience in this area and understand how best to clean your particular type of system without causing any damage. It is also important for homeowners to commit to a good preventive maintenance program in order to minimize duct pollution.

At Smart Air Houston HVAC we understand how important it is for our customers' safety and comfort that their home's air ducts, when cleaned correctly by an experienced technician with knowledge in this area, can help improve indoor air quality without causing any damage.

Destiny Devenney
Destiny Devenney

Travel ninja. Subtly charming music practitioner. Professional coffee fanatic. Amateur music nerd. Total burrito nerd. Incurable twitter geek.

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